Friday, March 23, 2012

Olson puts foot in his mouth again

I'm sure that many of you listened to Congressman Olson on Sam Malone's Friday townhall this morning. Olson's new "strategy" is that we have to win the majority back, as he also touted in Pearland recently or he will be worthless in Washingtonagain validating he is not a leader. Is this elementary school thinking? It is truly a poor excuse for his poor voting record and lack of leadership. Take a moment and peruse the newly-passed HR 347, which passed with a House R-majority. A serious violation of our First Amendment. Olson's gone silent. Today on Sam's radio show Olson was now “concerned” with Obamacare when he said back in La Marque's townhall before passage that he hadn't even read the bill, causing an uproar in the room. Were you there with me that most memorable day? People were furious in La Marque.

As recent as March 13th, Olson stood in front of a Republican group, sending an alarming message to the audience—"We've repealed Obamacare. Done!" (carelessly spoken and one can only surmise that he mean't the House vote). No, Olson, the mess is only beginning and it's not repealed yet—the historic unconstitutional atrocity that you have exempted yourself from but inflicted on all of us.

Further, the debt-ceiling increase was another unconstitutional free prize handed to the president on a gold platter by—again—a House R-majority (with the president not evening having to go to the senate for a 2/3 majority). Olson is out of touch. It's time that we send him home to deal with the travesty he has inflicted on our families, businesses and utter destruction to our economic well-being. Now more than ever in history we must institute term limits—another atrocity the House R-majority refused to do in 1995.

…and the days continue on as Olson is still hiding out and not willing to debate Carlson.

Please keep praying for our nation that we can recover.

Please visit Barbara J. Carlson on

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