Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is Olson afraid to debate Carlson? US Congressional District 22 Seat Needs a Leader

Why is Congressman Olson avoiding Barbara J. Carlson, yet he is in town far more than is justifiable—on our dime—when he should be in Washington, addressing our country’s escalating debt crisis? Carlson is hearing repeatedly on the campaign trail, “Yep, you’ve got good-ole Pete running scared.” While Carlson was told in December that “Pete is looking forward to debating you,” quite the contrary has occurred. Not only has Olson gone MIA for two previously-scheduled forums but has sent the message through his staff that, first, he will not debate Carlson until after the lines are drawn, and most recently, “and then he may only ‘grant’ Carlson one debate.”

So, Congressional District 22 constituents, one can surmise that all the requests that have been turned down or not complied with across District 22 again confirms that Olson really doesn’t care about the constituents to compare and contrast an establishment incumbent with a poor voting record against an experienced business leader who is unafraid to clean up Washington’s mess. Once again, Olson has validated what Carlson has been saying, “This establishment incumbent needs to go.”

Carlson held Olson accountable for not fighting for the space shuttle. Now while our country is in crisis mode, Olson is back peddling to get a space shuttle here. “Seriously? This is what’s most important to him right now? He’s totally out of touch,” one constituent told Carlson.

Olson is whining the same Obama rhetoric:  It’s somebody else’s fault. In Pearland, Olson complained that Obama is the bad guy and cast blame on our president’s shoulders. Who’s allowed Obama to cause utter destruction to our great nation? Who holds the purse strings? Who voted for the debt ceiling increase while not solving our financial crisis that we will again face in September—after the primary is over? The voter understands “the strategy” of District 22’s Congressional rubber-legged establishment incumbent. Olson has been an integral part of the mess in Washington. He ignores the pleas of his constituents. Where was Olson when the oil moratorium was put in place and due process was violated under our Constitution? Not a peep from him. Never in our history has America had such opportunities put in front of Congress to fight the intrusive unconstitutional mandates the last three years, yet Olson has sat back in the corner, quiet as a rubber-legged mouse.

When Olson was asked in Pearland why he wasn’t in Reid’s office nonstop, kicking at his door and fighting against the Dodd-Frank Act (400 regulations in a single act, run by a bureau, without Congressional authority) and for the district, his response was “Because it smells over there in Harry’s office,” as he laughed to the crowd. The response was not well received.

Carlson explains, “The voters get it. They understand the burden that Olson’s vote placed on our country when voting for the debt ceiling increase—one of many votes Olson sided with Pelosi on since being in office—while many constituents begged that he not do so. (1) Olson’s violation and breach of the Constitution gave the president authority to increase the deficit without having to get the required approval by the Senate with a 2/3 majority vote; and, (2) after enactment—for the first time in history—our credit rating dropped from a AAA rating to a AA rating. Utterly devastating to our fiscal perception across the globe. Olson, a member of the Republican majority-held House, handed the president an unconstitutional win.This is why we need someone with a strong finance background, someone who gets it. We need someone who is truly committed to our Constitution—understands it—and one who is a courageous, successful business leader who will fight to restore our country, one who represents our conservative values and principles and one who is willing to stand her ground in making the hard choices. As Carlson states in her book, Face It, We’re Broken, “That’s why we need term limits.” Carlson further adds, “We cannot get it wrong this time.” Check out Carlson’s educational website www.barbaracarlsonforuscongress.com

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