Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I was going to begin my educational lessons this week in a bit of a different direction, but I must say, “Let’s hit the brakes for a second and change gears this one time,” in the sense of a regional education, one that I walk, one that I grew up with, one that is so very critical to discuss.

I was buried in various commitments all day Saturday, so I didn’t receive the exhilarating news until Saturday evening who Romney’s VP choice was. I prayed that it would be narrowed between three courageous, ethical, Constitutional patriots in the true meaning of the word. One was Paul Ryan.

“Why Ryan you ask,” as the Liberals didn’t hesitate to begin to cast him as a radical right and that Grandma would be falling over the cliff once again? My life began in the Midwest. I understand the Midwest. I understand the people of the Midwest. Many who come down here to visit (and vice versa) say that Texas reminds them of MN, WI and IA. The Midwest is made up of such a wholesomeness that is virtually indescribable. Many of us who relocate to other regions of the country don’t lose the depth that runs so deep in our bones—ethics, God the center of our life, honesty, being truly humble, compassionate, educated and the deepest love of our country. We don’t change. We don’t go to Washington for the wrong reasons. We go because we truly love our country, want to serve and want to make a positive difference. We embrace fearlessness deep inside us. We know what it means to scrape two nickels together and how to stretch a dollar. We aren’t infatuated with materialism. We cannot be bought. We live our lives with all of these characteristics that we refuse to be compromised. We truly get it. Some of my friends over the years have said, “You’re just too honest,” or on the less serious side, “You had so much time on your hands because of the unbearably cold winters and unable to be outside, well, you had nothing else to do.” No…that’s just our makeup.

I’ve followed Congressman Ryan’s phenomenal record over the years. He is what I have spoken about for the last ten months—enormous courage, unwavering commitment to help save our country and a true Conservative Patriotic leader. This is exactly who Romney needed on the ticket. Romney didn’t crater to the establishment and settle for the “safe” candidate. More importantly, he didn’t crater to the Liberal agenda and play the race card. I have the utmost respect for Rubio, West and Rice. They are the real deal, but we would have fallen—as a party—into the pandering game that has gone on for far too long. Our country cannot afford a VP choice to pacify any specific group, whether it’s women, race, ethnicity or the Liberal’s game they’ve played—and gotten away with for far too long. That is why we have lost such respect as a party. This is why Americans in our very own party have become so disillusioned, given up and, well, become downright angry with our very own party. We have to stop the pandering. We have to stop walking around on eggshells. The Liberals have been successful in casting this pathetic agenda as “Now let’s be politically correct,” and the establishment has bought into it.

Ryan isn’t the panderer. He refuses. He’s a leader. He’s willing to take the tough issues on—unafraid with facts and figures aimed straight at this most pathetically inept administration. Perhaps now we will take the illegal immigration issue on, the 40 million who are bankrupting Medicaid—and all of our programs—the same perpetrators who are being paid as they cross the border illegally, filing fraudulent tax returns—on our dime. Perhaps we will now see our borders secure so that the American people are truly safe. This is what a truly substantive leader is all about. You can’t teach this. You can’t pretend you “own” these characteristics that are so deeply embedded into your very heart and soul. You either have them or you don’t. It’s that simple, my dear Patriots. Ryan hasn’t morphed into this excellent choice. This is who this great man is. It’s not about buying the women’s vote. It’s not about pandering to the Liberals who choose to have 17 kids and then demand we pay for their kids’ cell phones and everything else along the way. It’s not about usurping our rights, controlling us and manipulating us. It’s simply about doing the right thing. This is a prime example of what I write about in “Face It, We’re Broken.” What a breath of fresh air.

God bless this great country of ours. God bless this VP choice who is so desperately needed right now. And as many of you are also anxiously awaiting the VP debate, I can hardly wait for when Ryan takes Biden to his knees.
Barbara J. Carlson
The Conservative Voice

Friday, April 27, 2012

Are we angry enough with the utter destruction that is happening from within? Does one wonder why Gallup reported that only 10% approve of the job Congress is doing—a historical low—and why the NY Times’ poll reports that less than 10% trust Congress? Yes, indeed, Americans are awakening from its deep sleep.
Insanity ran amuck again in the House with the rushed vote on CISPA now passed—early—in the House. Peruse HR 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011.
Understand the dangerously intrusive unconstitutional path that we are headed down—with our Republican-majority in the House leading the path.
Let’s review the very short time line:
  • In September, the debt-ceiling increase was passed, unconstitutionally allowing the president the opportunity to violate the Constitution and not have to go back to the Senate for a 2/3 majority in spending. OLSON VOTED IN FAVOR OF THIS.
  • Only in December, the NDAA was passed—illegal search and seizure of us in our homes, the potential to be taken to an undisclosed location, denied an attorney and access to trial. OLSON VOTED IN FAVOR OF THIS LAW.
  • This spring HR347 was passed—the denial of our freedom of speech at an event where the president or vice president was present or the potential of being arrested and imprisoned if one legally had a CHL and ventured within an area of a foreign dignitary while in our country and under Secret Service protection. OLSON VOTED IN FAVOR OF THIS LAW.
  • Because of Obamacare, already happening on Medicare and Medicaid forms while being treated at a doctor’s office and in the hospital, the question is asked if one owns a gun. OLSON DIDN’T READ THE BILL IN FULL BEFORE VOTING ON OBAMACARE AND THOROUGHLY EDUCATING DISTRICT 22.
  • The TSA is being expanded to do illegal and unauthorized searches on city transportation.
  • Yesterday, HR3523, also known as CISPA, passed by the House, disregards the 4th Amendment, allowing the government to decide with the data it collects if you are doing harm. HR3523 is a clear intent to destroy the freedoms of every one of us. OLSON VOTED IN FAVOR OF THIS BILL.
Imagine what will happen once the IRS forces us to file our tax returns on line and all of our data is out there. Just within the last four years, identity theft is up 630%.
These new encroachments on our constitution are not the government’s role. This is why the Patriot Act must be repealed. This is another indication that Homeland Security has far exceeded its boundary…and it’s only beginning.
Having been with Oracle Corporation for a decade, I understand why identity theft is up—something that Olson does not have the experience to address. Outsourcing is a serious issue. Companies are not purchasing the security platforms to keep their clients’ data safe. It will only be a very short time that a contract will be given to X software company to “partner with the government to keep all of us safe.” Follow the money…
My fellow Americans, it won’t matter if you’re a Republican, Democrat, Independent or any member of the other 50 parties in our country. We will all be grossly affected. The assault is on all of us. It is clear that Olson needs to go. A returning military person commented last week, “And he has ‘freedom’ on his yard signs? What an embarrassment from one military man to another!”
Olson lacks experience in the software field. Olson is not following the Constitution. Olson has violated his oath of office. Olson has admitted to not reading legislation he’s voting on. Olson failed the Heritage Action Survey. He is not the Conservative he has portrayed to be.
Does it really matter at this point that Olson is still unwilling to debate Carlson, further denying the constituents the right to vet both candidates? No, his record speaks for itself.
Your vote is simple on May 29th (early voting May 14-25). Vote Olson out.
I promise, as I’ve done throughout running my small businesses that I will stand firm to our great Constitution. I will be the courageous, experienced business leader, articulate speaker and highly-educated leader we deserve. I will fight bitterly hard for our district. I will dig deep into the wasteful spending and try to turn this fiscal mess around. I will fight for term limits. I will fight for the right to life. I will lead. I promise you that.
Please vote for Barbara J. Carlson as our US Congressional
District 22 leader on May 29th
and let’s restore leadership in our district.

Friday, March 23, 2012

How Can I Help Take Our Country Back?

We must take our country back. “So,” you ask, “how can I help?”

As an underdog experiences, we need donations—in all forms. A mailer costs close to $20K. TV ads are outrageous. The list goes on and on. But I am proud to say that we are running this campaign like I’ve run my businesses:  Tight to the belt and respecting every donation so that it’s spent in the most efficient manner. This is an example of how I’ve not only run my businesses but how I will lead in Washington.

The last 64 days are crucial that we can get our message out, that I can continue to fight for all of us and that we can take our country back with rock-solid Conservative leaders who not only understand our Constitution but embrace it, follow it and hold the ones accountable who refuse to uphold their oath of office—on both sides of the aisle. We have no choice at this juncture but to elect only the very best. We cannot get it wrong this time.

So, we are in need of:
·         Any monetary donations you can send to our campaign. (If you send a check to the address on our website, we will be able to avoid the required service fee.)
·         Any amount of long envelopes and/or postage so we can complete our mass mailing.
·         Your time either as a driver or walker on Saturdays and Sundays.
·         Your time in stuffing envelopes.
·         Bring your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers out to our events. We are scheduling many more exciting events.

We will be walking the beautiful Sienna Plantation both on Saturday and Sunday. We will meet on Saturday at 9:45 at the Corner Store (with a Valero gas station) right at the entrance of Sienna. Please park on the right side of the store. The address is 8318 South Highway 6 in Missouri City.

Sunday we will begin at 1:00 p.m.

God bless all of you, stay safe and please continue to pray for the recovery of our nation. I promise that I will fight bitterly hard to lead the fight to restore us to the stature our great Ronald Reagan led us long ago. I promise that I will be the same fighter my mentor, my mother, was during those historic years.

Barbara J. Carlson
US Congressional District 22 Candidate

Olson puts foot in his mouth again

I'm sure that many of you listened to Congressman Olson on Sam Malone's Friday townhall this morning. Olson's new "strategy" is that we have to win the majority back, as he also touted in Pearland recently or he will be worthless in Washingtonagain validating he is not a leader. Is this elementary school thinking? It is truly a poor excuse for his poor voting record and lack of leadership. Take a moment and peruse the newly-passed HR 347, which passed with a House R-majority. A serious violation of our First Amendment. Olson's gone silent. Today on Sam's radio show Olson was now “concerned” with Obamacare when he said back in La Marque's townhall before passage that he hadn't even read the bill, causing an uproar in the room. Were you there with me that most memorable day? People were furious in La Marque.

As recent as March 13th, Olson stood in front of a Republican group, sending an alarming message to the audience—"We've repealed Obamacare. Done!" (carelessly spoken and one can only surmise that he mean't the House vote). No, Olson, the mess is only beginning and it's not repealed yet—the historic unconstitutional atrocity that you have exempted yourself from but inflicted on all of us.

Further, the debt-ceiling increase was another unconstitutional free prize handed to the president on a gold platter by—again—a House R-majority (with the president not evening having to go to the senate for a 2/3 majority). Olson is out of touch. It's time that we send him home to deal with the travesty he has inflicted on our families, businesses and utter destruction to our economic well-being. Now more than ever in history we must institute term limits—another atrocity the House R-majority refused to do in 1995.

…and the days continue on as Olson is still hiding out and not willing to debate Carlson.

Please keep praying for our nation that we can recover.

Please visit Barbara J. Carlson on www.barbaracarlsonforuscongress.com.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our Constitution is trampled on once again with passage of HR 347; US Congressional District 22 Seat Needs a Leader Who Grasps The Constitution

My fellow Americans, our Constitution was trampled on once again.

So, Congressional District 22 constituents, let’s understand what has happened under HR 347, a new law that—once again—Congressman Olson is not discussing. HR 347 is an easy read—a mere two pages—so one would surmise that a gross injustice wouldn’t have occurred.

HR 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011, just recently passed, seriously encroaches on the First Amendment. It now gives the president and vice president enormous power to say anything he/she wishes while we will no longer be allowed to voice opposition without the risk of being fined and imprisoned. We have finally been silenced in speaking out against our president.

Even more astounding, HR 347 also includes disruptive opposition to any foreign dignitaries simply because they are under our ($$$$) care with Secret Service. We will no longer be allowed to impede, disrupt, act in a disorderly or disruptive conduct, obstruct or impede the ingress or egress of such foreign dignitaries, our president or vice president without serious repercussions (however it may be interpreted).

Does one remember Representative Joe Wilson who shouted “You Lie” when the president was, indeed, doing exactly that on the House floor? It could be argued that Wilson “disrupted” the president’s speech. Does one remember the speech the president of Iran gave at Columbia? Does one remember when the NAACP covered the large bronze statue of George Washington on MLK in Columbia, SC?

Was any intelligent discussion offered on the Republican-majority House floor? It is utterly deplorable that Olson voted in favor of HR 347. So, the argument Olson posed in Pearland in having a majority is invalid. If Carlson had been in office, she would have spoken out against the serious encroachment of the First Amendment and fought desperately hard to educate the House in this gross violation from being enacted.
This is why Americans are outraged and why Americans are saying that 88% of Congress needs to go—leaving only the handful of truly patriotic leaders who are fighting an uphill battle to save our great country. This is why Congressman Olson must be voted out of office—the symbolic silence, poor judgment and lack of leadership as our representative.

As Carlson continues, “We need to pray for the recovery of our nation. We are in serious trouble.” Long before Mark Levin said we are headed toward a Totalitarian regime and just recently Rush has said we are headed in that direction, Carlson was way ahead of the curve that we were grossly underestimating the direction of our country (in a Socialistic direction). It is far worse than that.

Please peruse Barbara’s website at www.barbaracarlsonforuscongress.com. I promise that I will fight bitterly hard for our great nation. We must restore our values. The only way that that is possible is to elect the true fighters who dearly love our Constitution—and who understand it. Now more than ever we need term limits. The establishment must go.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is Olson afraid to debate Carlson? US Congressional District 22 Seat Needs a Leader

Why is Congressman Olson avoiding Barbara J. Carlson, yet he is in town far more than is justifiable—on our dime—when he should be in Washington, addressing our country’s escalating debt crisis? Carlson is hearing repeatedly on the campaign trail, “Yep, you’ve got good-ole Pete running scared.” While Carlson was told in December that “Pete is looking forward to debating you,” quite the contrary has occurred. Not only has Olson gone MIA for two previously-scheduled forums but has sent the message through his staff that, first, he will not debate Carlson until after the lines are drawn, and most recently, “and then he may only ‘grant’ Carlson one debate.”

So, Congressional District 22 constituents, one can surmise that all the requests that have been turned down or not complied with across District 22 again confirms that Olson really doesn’t care about the constituents to compare and contrast an establishment incumbent with a poor voting record against an experienced business leader who is unafraid to clean up Washington’s mess. Once again, Olson has validated what Carlson has been saying, “This establishment incumbent needs to go.”

Carlson held Olson accountable for not fighting for the space shuttle. Now while our country is in crisis mode, Olson is back peddling to get a space shuttle here. “Seriously? This is what’s most important to him right now? He’s totally out of touch,” one constituent told Carlson.

Olson is whining the same Obama rhetoric:  It’s somebody else’s fault. In Pearland, Olson complained that Obama is the bad guy and cast blame on our president’s shoulders. Who’s allowed Obama to cause utter destruction to our great nation? Who holds the purse strings? Who voted for the debt ceiling increase while not solving our financial crisis that we will again face in September—after the primary is over? The voter understands “the strategy” of District 22’s Congressional rubber-legged establishment incumbent. Olson has been an integral part of the mess in Washington. He ignores the pleas of his constituents. Where was Olson when the oil moratorium was put in place and due process was violated under our Constitution? Not a peep from him. Never in our history has America had such opportunities put in front of Congress to fight the intrusive unconstitutional mandates the last three years, yet Olson has sat back in the corner, quiet as a rubber-legged mouse.

When Olson was asked in Pearland why he wasn’t in Reid’s office nonstop, kicking at his door and fighting against the Dodd-Frank Act (400 regulations in a single act, run by a bureau, without Congressional authority) and for the district, his response was “Because it smells over there in Harry’s office,” as he laughed to the crowd. The response was not well received.

Carlson explains, “The voters get it. They understand the burden that Olson’s vote placed on our country when voting for the debt ceiling increase—one of many votes Olson sided with Pelosi on since being in office—while many constituents begged that he not do so. (1) Olson’s violation and breach of the Constitution gave the president authority to increase the deficit without having to get the required approval by the Senate with a 2/3 majority vote; and, (2) after enactment—for the first time in history—our credit rating dropped from a AAA rating to a AA rating. Utterly devastating to our fiscal perception across the globe. Olson, a member of the Republican majority-held House, handed the president an unconstitutional win.This is why we need someone with a strong finance background, someone who gets it. We need someone who is truly committed to our Constitution—understands it—and one who is a courageous, successful business leader who will fight to restore our country, one who represents our conservative values and principles and one who is willing to stand her ground in making the hard choices. As Carlson states in her book, Face It, We’re Broken, “That’s why we need term limits.” Carlson further adds, “We cannot get it wrong this time.” Check out Carlson’s educational website www.barbaracarlsonforuscongress.com

Friday, March 16, 2012

Is Olson afraid to debate Carlson? US Congressional District 22 Seat Needs a Leader

Why is Congressman Olson avoiding Barbara J. Carlson, yet he is in town far more than is justifiable—on our dime—when he should be in Washington, addressing our country’s escalating debt crisis? Carlson is hearing repeatedly on the campaign trail, “Yep, you’ve got good-ole Pete running scared.” While Carlson was told in December that “Pete is looking forward to debating you,” quite the contrary has occurred. Not only has Olson gone MIA for two previously- scheduled forums but has sent the message through his staff that, first, he will not debate Carlson until after the lines are drawn, and most recently, “and then he may only ‘grant’ Carlson one debate.”

So, Congressional District 22 constituents, one can surmise that all the requests that have been turned down or not complied with across District 22 again confirms that Olson really doesn’t care about the constituents to compare and contrast an establishment incumbent with a poor voting record against an experienced business leader who is unafraid to clean up Washington’s mess. Once again, Olson has validated what Carlson has been saying, “This establishment incumbent needs to go.”

Carlson held Olson accountable for not fighting for the space shuttle. Now while our country is in crisis mode, Olson is back peddling to get a space shuttle here. “Seriously? This is what’s most important to him right now? He’s totally out of touch,” one constituent told Carlson.

Olson is whining the same Obama rhetoric:  It’s somebody else’s fault. In Pearland, Olson complained that Obama is the bad guy and cast blame on our president’s shoulders. Who’s allowed Obama to cause utter destruction to our great nation? Who holds the purse strings? Who voted for the debt ceiling increase while not solving our financial crisis that we will again face in September—after the primary is over? The voter understands “the strategy” of District 22’s Congressional rubber-legged establishment incumbent. Olson has been an integral part of the mess in Washington. He ignores the pleas of his constituents. Where was Olson when the oil moratorium was put in place and due process was violated under our Constitution? Not a peep from him. Never in our history has America had such opportunities put in front of Congress to fight the intrusive unconstitutional mandates the last three years, yet Olson has sat back in the corner, quiet as a rubber-legged mouse.

When Olson was asked in Pearland why he wasn’t in Reid’s office nonstop, kicking at his door and fighting against the Dodd-Frank Act (400 regulations in a single act, run by a bureau, without Congressional authority) and for the district, his response was “Because it smells over there in Harry’s office,” as he laughed to the crowd. The response was not well received.

Carlson explains, “The voters get it. They understand the burden that Olson’s vote placed on our country when voting for the debt ceiling increase—one of many votes Olson sided with Pelosi on since being in office—while many constituents begged that he not do so. (1) Olson’s violation and breach of the Constitution gave the president authority to increase the deficit without having to get the required approval by the Senate with a 2/3 majority vote; and, (2) after enactment—for the first time in history—our credit rating dropped from a AAA rating to a AA rating. Utterly devastating to our fiscal perception across the globe. Olson, a member of the Republican majority-held House, handed the president an unconstitutional win.This is why we need someone with a strong finance background, someone who gets it. We need someone who is truly committed to our Constitution—understands it—and one who is a courageous, successful business leader who will fight to restore our country, one who represents our conservative values and principles and one who is willing to stand her ground in making the hard choices. As Carlson states in her book, Face It, We’re Broken, “That’s why we need term limits.” Carlson further adds, “We cannot get it wrong this time.” Check out Carlson’s educational website www.barbaracarlsonforuscongress.com

Carlson Makes Front Page on Fort Bend Herald Newspaper

Barbara Carlson already has made an impression, not long after throwing her hat into the ring for the U.S. Congressional District 22 Republican seat. Carlson, a Fort Bend County resident since 1994, stunned Republicans at the Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll on Jan. 14, when she pulled down 51.5 percent (707 votes) of the votes, beating incumbent Pete Olson.

“Once people get to know Pete Olson’s record and examine it, they will see that if they truly want to have
change in Washington, then they will need to change who they send to Washington,” said Carlson. Carlson, a strong fiscal and Constitutional conservative who adamantly opposes deficit spending, supports a balanced federal budget so that government operates within its means.

“I am desperately needed in Washington,” Carlson said. “We need courageous leaders now more
than ever. We need to get our country back on solid ground with experienced business leaders at the
forefront. We need a rock-solid Republican who not only embraces our great Constitution—and understands
it—but also one who embraces our Republican platform. “We don’t have that. Olson isn’t the fighter our district, and country, needs. He’s concerned with renewable energy (with the government buying
up corn), further raising the cost of corn, while the farmers across the district are hurting and can’t feed their

A 10-year veteran with the Oracle Corporation, Carlson in 2002 was awarded with one of the company’s
top honors, the “North American Leadership Award,” in recognition of her excellent leadership skills and
highest ethics. Carlson was born in Minnesota, daughter of a dedicated farmer and
a mother who was a leading senator from Minnesota during the Reagan years. Her grandfather was not only a Minnesota rep, but then became a senator, so the political arena is nothing new to Carlson.

Carlson graduated from the University of Houston and has owned and operated two successful small businesses. After her husband passed away in 1996, Carlson took over her husband’s
insurance business, breaking records across the country, and is able to understand why Obamacare MUST be dissolved.

Carlson has continually risen above the toughest odds. “I received an excellent foundation
from my parents,” she said. “When you always lead with the highest ethics, integrity and with God in the center of the big picture,” you will be a great leader; you will always do what’s right.


On President’s Day, February 20, during lunchtime—long before all flights back to Washington ended—was the second Congressional forum for District 22, hosted by the Alvin-Manvel Chambers of Commerce, held at Grace United Methodist Church in Manvel. While Barbara J. Carlson again arrived early and was prepared, unfortunately, Olson was a second-time no show, again a great disservice to the district. Both Alvin and Manvel members went to great lengths in time, manpower and expense in preparation for this all-important forum.

Once again, Carlson easily carried the football to the end zone. Her candor, her integrity and her excellent leadership experience arms her with what it takes to take on Washington and lead our country into a better tomorrow.  “You were unbelievable!” a new supporter stated.  A candidate running in District 14 afterward told Carlson, “Fantastic! You continue to launch the grenades at Olson’s poor leadership and voting record. It’s time that he is replaced with a courageous leader.”

Carlson, a widow, a mother of two, a small business owner (of numerous businesses), a recipient of the prestigious National Sales Leadership Award with Oracle Corporation (the only employee even to this date at her level to receive this award), one who has risen above enormous tragedy in her life and accomplished goals that haven’t been met on a national scale is now courageously stepping up to go to Washington and fight for our beloved nation. “I am listening to the constituents across the district.

People are fed up that Olson is not respecting the Constitution. He insulated himself in healthcare protection and has left us out to dry while spending with no remorse. It’s not his money, so what does he care?” Carlson reiterated what she’s heard out on the campaign trail. Again Carlson is sending the message to the establishment incumbent, “I’ve walked in the shoes as a widow. I understand what you are doing to Social Security. It’s despicable. It’s time that Americans close our checkbooks, roll up our sleeves and send a true leader to Washington.”


Monday evening, February 13, was the first congressional forum for District 22, held at the Alvin Senior Center. While Barbara J. Carlson arrived early and was prepared, unfortunately, Olson was a no show, not even extending a courteous apology to both the Alvin Area Republican Women’s Club and the Bayou Republican Women’s Club for his no show. Both clubs went to great lengths and personal financial outlay in preparing the excellent homemade food for this all-important forum.

Once again, Carlson easily carried the football to the end zone. Her candor, her integrity and her excellent leadership experience arms her with what it takes to take on Washington and lead our country into a better tomorrow.  “She’s the real deal. You can’t fake this. She deeply loves our country and she thoroughly grasps what’s wrong,” one participant stated.  “The wealth of experience she brings to the table on all fronts far surpasses who we currently have representing us,” another participant stated.

Carlson, a widow, a mother of two, a small business owner, one who has risen above enormous tragedy in her life and accomplished goals that haven’t been met on a national scale is now courageously stepping up to go to Washington and fight for our beloved nation. “Enough is enough. It’s time that we take our country back. It’s time that Americans close our checkbooks and Congress is held accountable for its unconstitutional and frivolous behavior. It’s appalling what’s happening to all of us.  Americans are angry. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and send a true leader to Washington.”

When asked her thoughts about Olson’s no show, Carlson responded, “We expected this establishment incumbent to be a no show. He’s predictable in his thinking that he doesn’t have to answer to the voters. There were no votes on the floor on Monday. Sadly, it’s an enormous disservice to the voters. We’re tracking him and how often he’s in town for various fundraisers and ‘private luncheons’ but unwilling to answer to the voters for his poor rating, his horrific voting record and his lack of leadership. It’s time to send Olson home.”

Monday, February 13, 2012


Yes, it’s dreary, rainy, nasty weather today. It is supposed to be clearing by this evening. If not, then please allow yourselves an extra 15 minutes and do still come out and enjoy Congressional District 22’s first Congressional debate/forum that will be taking place in Alvin this evening at 6:30 p.m. You will have the opportunity to meet Barbara J. Carlson, the up-and-coming rock-solid highly-experienced Conservative Constitutionalist who we must send to Washington. It is time that the establishment incumbent is “pink slipped” who is not representing the American people and our district. Congress is spending like drunken sailors. They are not abiding by the Constitution—the oath of office that they are required to adhere to all of us.

Bring your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and even your Democratic friends. Slowly but surely they will come to understand the enormous damage that is occurring to our great nation.

The Alvin Area Republican Women and the Bayou Republican Women have gone to great lengths, spent their hard-earned dollars and time during these tumultuous times in order to offer a candidate forum for the voters so they can compare and contrast the vast difference in excellent leadership and abuse of power and inept leadership. We are deeply honored by these two clubs’ willingness to put on this great event this evening.

So…let’s see a strong showing this evening at the Alvin Senior Center, located at 309 W. Sealy in Alvin. The forum begins at 6:30. Please allow a few extra minutes to arrive safely and let’s enjoy one heck of an evening.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Fellow Patriots - What a Wonderful Evening Last Night at KSP and Upcoming Congressional Candidate Forums...

What a wonderful event last night at King Street Patriots, not only the opportunity but great honor I was given to spend an evening with one of my courageous patriotic mentors, Catherine Englebrecht. We will have the live feed uploaded as quickly as possible. Our message is reaching out. Our message is being understood. Our message is being well received. America has had enough. America is fed up with the establishment incumbents who are destroying our country with no remorse for its utter destruction and the direction of our great nation. The fight is on.

Please join us for the upcoming candidate forums. You will have the opportunity to listen to and meet the courageous and highly-qualified US Congressional District 22 Constitutional Conservative candidate, Barbara J. Carlson, who we must send to Washington. It is time that we "pink slip" the establishment incumbent and clean up the mess Washington has left for us. It is time that America closes our checkbooks and we restore our great nation.

Monday, February 13th - 6:30 p.m. - The Bayou Republican Women PAC and the Alvin Area Republican Women PAC are hosting a Republican Primary Candidate Forum at the Alvin Senior Center at 309 W. Sealy in Alvin.

Monday, February 20th - 12:00-2:00 p.m. - Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce are hosting a Republican Primary Candidate Forum at Grace United Methodist Church at 18218 Texas 6 in Manvel (includes lunch).

Tuesday, February 21st - 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Pearland Area Republican Club is hosting a Republican Candidate Forum at Pearland Church of Christ at 2217 Grand Boulevard in Pearland.

God bless, stay safe and let's win this horrendous assault on our great nation.

Barbara J. Carlson
US Congressional District 22

Saturday, February 4, 2012

So Much To Update You With...

My Dear Fellow Patriots:
What a whirlwind of a great last few weeks and some exciting upcoming events. What blessings I have been given to meet so many patriots so committed to taking our country back. Just a few short weeks ago out of the gate, we won the Texas Saddle Up Ballot Straw Poll, voters sending the message that courageous leadership is needed, that we must elect committed leadership willing to stand firm for our great Constitution. 

This rainy Saturday didn’t stop our block walkers. We are determined to take our country back! It was wonderful meeting so many wonderful people in New Territory over the weekend (my old neighborhood).

Just this week, the West Pearland Republican Women’s Club held a Meet the Candidate evening with a full house. My message was heard.  What an exhilarating evening.

On Monday evening, February 6th, I will be one of the keynote speakers at King Street Patriots. It will most certainly be an event you won’t want to miss. It is with great honor that I have the opportunity to spend an evening with truly one of the most courageous and patriotic leaders, Catherine Englebrecht.

There are three candidate forums that are already scheduled to take place:
·         February 13th at 6:30 p.m. – Bayou Republican Women & AARW are hosting a candidate forum at the Alvin Senior Center at 309 W. Sealy in Alvin.
·         February 20th at 12:00 p.m. – Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a candidate forum at the Grace United Methodist Church at 18218 Texas 6 in Manvel.
·         February 21st at 6:30 p.m. – Pearland Area Republican Club is hosting a candidate forum at the Pearland Church of Christ at 2217 Grand Blvd in Pearland.

Bring your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to any or all of these upcoming forums.

As we continue to gear up, our message is building, we welcome all volunteers, block walkers and calls or email requests to put a sign in your yard. We ask for your continued support and donations. We continue to be cognizant of our costs, but we need your continued support. Please consider sending a donation of any amount so that we are successful in taking our country back. You have my commitment that I will work tirelessly to lead with the highest honor, ethics and fiscal responsibility in order to restore our country to what we once knew.

Without hope, we have nothing. Without prayer, we cannot reach our dreams and expectations God has set forth for each and every one of us.

God bless, stay safe and enjoy the Superbowl tomorrow!

Friday, February 3, 2012


My Dear Friends and Fellow Constituents:
I will speaking at the King Street Patriots on Monday evening, February 6th at 7:00 pm. They are located at 7232 Wynnwood. It’s streamed live and will be a great event. I will be speaking on my newly released book, “Face It, We’re Broken.” It is an excellent educational tool as to the utter destruction our nation faces based on which type of political culture is at the helm. It will be with great honor that I have the opportunity to spend an evening with Catherine Engelbrecht, a truly patriotic and courageous leader. Please do come out and join us for a great evening.
God bless, stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.


My Dear Friends and Fellow Patriots:
I wanted to thank each and every one of you for coming out last night to the exciting event at Spring Creek Barbeque that was hosted by the West Pearland Republican Women. It was a great honor meeting each and every one of you. 

We will fight to restore our great nation. We will lead with dignity, honor and the highest ethics. We will bring courageous leadership back to Washington so that we can once again hold our heads high for our children and say we have fought our very hardest in the trenches. As our forefathers fought for our great nation, so must we do at this time for future generations. It is our duty. It is with great honor that we will win against this corrupt and destructive agenda that is being hurled at each and every one of us. 

God bless, stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thursday, February 2nd - PEARLAND AND ALVIN RESIDENTS - COME OUT AND MEET ME - 7:00 p.m.

Please take this opportunity and come out and meet me in Pearland on Thursday evening, February 2nd at the Spring Creek Barbeque, 9005 Broadway in Pearland. The West Pearland Republican Women are hosting a Meet and Greet, and I will be speaking. Please join us for an exciting evening in taking our country back. It is not only the Executive Branch that we must replace, but we must send to Congress courageous Conservative leaders who are willing to step up to the plate and fight for our great Constitution. There is no middle ground at this juncture. We must turn this mess around. I'm looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. God bless and stay safe.
Barbara J. Carlson

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll Win for Barbara J. Carlson Who Trumped Olson in Ballot Straw Poll

I am deeply honored with the Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll Ballot win against the incumbent career politician, Pete Olson. The message is resonating throughout Texas. For those of you who were fortunate to attend one of my five breakout sessions on the research I conducted over three years for my book, "Face It, We're Broken," it all now makes sense as to who we must send to Washington. We can no longer send a member of the Traditionalistic Political Culture (Olson). And our country is now grasping the enormous damage when we have a member of the Individualistic Political Culture at the helm (Obama). We, as a nation, can never again elect an Individualist as our leader, the most powerful force around the globe. Our fearless, ethical, fiscally brilliant leader, President Ronald Reagan, was a member of the Moralistic Political Culture, the culture that I have always been a member of and how I have conducted my professional life and in running my businesses. It is now time, as the great Texans we are, that we must elect members of the Moralistic Political Culture to clean up the enormous mess we have in Washington. It is now or never. We have no choice. There is no middle ground at this juncture. God bless all of you who believed in me, who came out and attended my breakout sessions. It was a great honor meeting all of you. I cannot wait to get to Washington to be the leader at the forefront so that we can abolish Obamacare, bring integrity back to Washington, get our fiscal house in order, greatly reduce our deficit, secure our borders and get our great land back on steady ground. It is time that we issue pink slips to members of Congress who are on a mission of a self-fulfilling agenda that has been utterly destructive to our country. We, as Constitutional Conservatives, must lead our great nation. We will win this battle.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll January 13-14 - Barbara will be speaking

January 13-14, 2012 - Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll will be held at Minute Maid Park. Barbara will be conducting a training/presentation "The Three Crucial Political Cultures, the depth of our Constitution and America at Risk." Barbara's breakout sessions will be on Friday at 11:30, 2:00 and 5:00 and again on Saturday at 11:00 and 4:00. It's a breakout session that you don't want to miss. Based on her book, "Face It, We're broken," you will learn from "The Education Kid," as a recent WWII vet labeled Barbara J. Carlson, distinguished author and founder of The Cry For Help. Books will be available for sale and will be autographed. Bring your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. This election will be the most important election in our lifetime. We must be armed with knowledge and take our country back.

Friday, January 6, 2012

We MUST Repeal Obama's Healthcare Atrocity...Learn More

My Fellow Americans: Please take a moment and peruse my website barbaracarlsonforuscongress.com. Learn what's coming for all Americas with regard to healthcare if we don't have courageous, ethical, experienced leadership that will step up to the plate and repeal this healthcare atrocity--ones who are unafraid to confront the corrupt Left. Please share this critical data with your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. Families will be greatly affected across our entire country who will need specialized medicine. Death panels WILL be instituted--per the government's sole decision--who will be dictated as to end of life--a day over 70 years old--even lower than America's life expectancy--if one is in need of neurological care, suffers from Alzheimer's or a mental illness. Middle Class America WILL be greatly affected. We WILL lose family members--including our children--long before God chooses to call them home. Yet, Congress (and its interns) are excluded. Union workers are excluded. Muslims are excluded while Christians, Buddhists and every other religion in our country is expected to pay for this atrocity that is intent on destroying the greatest, most knowledgeable medical experts in the entire universe. The 40+million illegal immigrants will still freely receive care--that we as Americans are expected to pay for but we will be denied. Please, I beg you, read and understand what's coming at all of us. It is indeed "America's Silent War." 

Please peruse my book, "Face It, We're Broken," that was released on October 11, 2011, after three years of intense, thorough research. As Sam Malone, Houston's rock-solid Conservative endorsed my book, "It is a MUST read." You will be educated. You will understand what we, as courageous leaders, MUST do for our country. Please let me know if I can come speak to your group, organization or do a meet and greet. I will autograph my book and give you the educational tools that are so necessary before this next election...the most important election in our lifetime.

We have no choice but to repeal this most unconstitutional law ever put into place in America's entire history. This atrocity CANNOT be repealed simply by issuing an Executive Order from the President of the United States--with a new Commander in Chief at the helm. We CANNOT get it wrong this time. It is time...to clean House. God bless our great country during these most frightening times. 

Monday, January 2, 2012


We are at the crossroads of our nation...just one day away with the Iowa Caucus on January 3, 2012. My fellow northern (Iowa) American leaders, I beg you as a Conservative Constitutionalist, as a mother, as a widow, as a courageous patriotic leader willing to quit her job in September and step up to the front lines, please, we must do the right thing for our country. As a woman who grew up in the beautiful State of MN (your former northern neighbor), the daughter of a humble farmer (who turned down playing with the St. Louis Cardinals) and a mother who courageously served MN as a leading senator during the best years (under President Ronald Reagan), I beg you to listen to your heart. Please don't let the media dictate who you should choose to lead our country out of this crisis. You will start the ball rolling across our great land. The media is spoon feeding Americans, once again, who should be the Republican nominee as to who "can out debate" our inept, corrupt and dangerously obstructive leader. It's not about who "can out debate." It's a matter of who will courageously lead us out of this travesty our country is engulfed in—the member of the Moralistic Political Culture, as one of America’s great scholars told us more than 50 years ago, Daniel J. Elazar, and what I also speak of in my book, “Face It, We’re Broken.” It's a matter of who has the excellent record. It’s a matter of distinguishing who is the true leader and who is the wolf.

As my father told me when I was a little girl, and as I speak about in my newly released book, "Face It, We're Broken," tigers don't change stripes. If a previous leader slashed jobs and didn't care about middle class, he won't care this time. If one is pro establishment, he is still pro establishment, now buried in fluff. In 1995 our country had the opportunity to instill term limits. If our leaders had done the right thing, we wouldn't be facing today's crisis. Who is the leader with the tax expertise who will make the courageous decisions to slash the necessary federal agencies and give our country a fair tax? Who will bring on board a brilliant secretary of state and unyielding attorney general who will lead the Department of Justice with the highest ethics our country will finally witness—and deserves—as was the wish of our brilliant forefathers of long ago? My northern friends, please, I beg of you, one who is speaking for many, many voices in the south, please study, research, ignore the Left-wing media and cast the ethical, moralistic and courageous vote that our country desperately needs. I beg of you. And I promise you that once I get to Washington as the bravest, up-and-coming newest Conservative Constitutionalistic congresswoman who deeply loves our country, I will fight for our beloved country.

God bless you in your most critical decision tomorrow.