Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I was going to begin my educational lessons this week in a bit of a different direction, but I must say, “Let’s hit the brakes for a second and change gears this one time,” in the sense of a regional education, one that I walk, one that I grew up with, one that is so very critical to discuss.

I was buried in various commitments all day Saturday, so I didn’t receive the exhilarating news until Saturday evening who Romney’s VP choice was. I prayed that it would be narrowed between three courageous, ethical, Constitutional patriots in the true meaning of the word. One was Paul Ryan.

“Why Ryan you ask,” as the Liberals didn’t hesitate to begin to cast him as a radical right and that Grandma would be falling over the cliff once again? My life began in the Midwest. I understand the Midwest. I understand the people of the Midwest. Many who come down here to visit (and vice versa) say that Texas reminds them of MN, WI and IA. The Midwest is made up of such a wholesomeness that is virtually indescribable. Many of us who relocate to other regions of the country don’t lose the depth that runs so deep in our bones—ethics, God the center of our life, honesty, being truly humble, compassionate, educated and the deepest love of our country. We don’t change. We don’t go to Washington for the wrong reasons. We go because we truly love our country, want to serve and want to make a positive difference. We embrace fearlessness deep inside us. We know what it means to scrape two nickels together and how to stretch a dollar. We aren’t infatuated with materialism. We cannot be bought. We live our lives with all of these characteristics that we refuse to be compromised. We truly get it. Some of my friends over the years have said, “You’re just too honest,” or on the less serious side, “You had so much time on your hands because of the unbearably cold winters and unable to be outside, well, you had nothing else to do.” No…that’s just our makeup.

I’ve followed Congressman Ryan’s phenomenal record over the years. He is what I have spoken about for the last ten months—enormous courage, unwavering commitment to help save our country and a true Conservative Patriotic leader. This is exactly who Romney needed on the ticket. Romney didn’t crater to the establishment and settle for the “safe” candidate. More importantly, he didn’t crater to the Liberal agenda and play the race card. I have the utmost respect for Rubio, West and Rice. They are the real deal, but we would have fallen—as a party—into the pandering game that has gone on for far too long. Our country cannot afford a VP choice to pacify any specific group, whether it’s women, race, ethnicity or the Liberal’s game they’ve played—and gotten away with for far too long. That is why we have lost such respect as a party. This is why Americans in our very own party have become so disillusioned, given up and, well, become downright angry with our very own party. We have to stop the pandering. We have to stop walking around on eggshells. The Liberals have been successful in casting this pathetic agenda as “Now let’s be politically correct,” and the establishment has bought into it.

Ryan isn’t the panderer. He refuses. He’s a leader. He’s willing to take the tough issues on—unafraid with facts and figures aimed straight at this most pathetically inept administration. Perhaps now we will take the illegal immigration issue on, the 40 million who are bankrupting Medicaid—and all of our programs—the same perpetrators who are being paid as they cross the border illegally, filing fraudulent tax returns—on our dime. Perhaps we will now see our borders secure so that the American people are truly safe. This is what a truly substantive leader is all about. You can’t teach this. You can’t pretend you “own” these characteristics that are so deeply embedded into your very heart and soul. You either have them or you don’t. It’s that simple, my dear Patriots. Ryan hasn’t morphed into this excellent choice. This is who this great man is. It’s not about buying the women’s vote. It’s not about pandering to the Liberals who choose to have 17 kids and then demand we pay for their kids’ cell phones and everything else along the way. It’s not about usurping our rights, controlling us and manipulating us. It’s simply about doing the right thing. This is a prime example of what I write about in “Face It, We’re Broken.” What a breath of fresh air.

God bless this great country of ours. God bless this VP choice who is so desperately needed right now. And as many of you are also anxiously awaiting the VP debate, I can hardly wait for when Ryan takes Biden to his knees.
Barbara J. Carlson
The Conservative Voice

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